S2:E4 Reviews

Adam’s Review

TLDR: Tell me WHY

I could break down all the arcs happening and where we’re at with them… but I’m not going to. It would be putting in more work than most of the folks running or writing the show are.

Ishamael, Rand & Selene, Min & Mat, Moiraine, Lan, Nynaeve & Liandrin, Elayne & Egwene, Perrin and Elyas. Eight different narratives, almost entirely separated from one another aside from the White Tower

Too many narratives and not enough action. If all the writers and the showrunner were to be fired today and they hired someone off the street who just decided to read the book and plagiarize it, it would be markedly better.

Bring the folks together and give them a purpose. Stop wasting time with these nonsense changes when you can change things to expedite the story.

I’m bored. This bores me. Midseason lulls are usually full of exposition and not bullshit. We finally confirmed Selene is Lanfear (in an awkward sex scene). I expect none of this momentum to transfer over.

Rating: On a scale of the Two Rivers to Cairhien, this was some shitty tavern Mat and Rand played music at to pay their room and board.

Garrett’s Review


Oh the part of the season we have to dip so we can be brought up at the end – it’s like pledge drive week on public radio. Perrin’s thread was pretty solid to see, however with the exception of Lady Anvaere stealing the show, the rest of it was pretty flat. Gotta set ‘em up to knock ‘em down, but I hope we’re at the lowest point of this season. Onwards and upwards!

Rating: On a scale of … to BLEUGGHH this was sigh.

Fei’s Review

TLDR: I’d rather watch the US Open

It’s officially the mid-season lull!  

We have unfortunately reached the point where there are too many plot points and too many characters scattered for us to really understand what they are all doing. Perrin is learning to be a wolf brother. Lan is taking a piss. Lanfear has risen. Ishamael is controlling everybody. Morraine is in Cairhien. Nynaeve and Egwene are in the tower and hoping to rescue Perrin. Matt and Min are in a tavern and Min is communing with the Forsaken. Rand and Selene are in the forest and about to have kinky sex.  

When you only have 50 ish minutes for an episode, it’s hard to get me to care about anyone or anything when you spend this little time on each piece. The shining moment of this week’s episode, and our feature on Hot on TWOT is Lady Anvaere Damodred. She commands our (and Moraine’s) attention with Lindsay Duncan’s stellar acting and with her sharply written lines. Also, she gives us some amazing anticipation into the larger world of Cairhien and how its upper crust may come into play later on down the line.

Good job, show runners.  

One word of advice to Rafe: it is ok to not focus on every single character and plot point in every single episode. That being said, unfortunately, I enjoyed watching Coco a lot more this past week.

Rating: On a scale of tennis points, this is a deuce