S1:E7 Reviews

Adam’s Review

TLDR: Finally, we see true potential

Episode Seven is not without its flaws, but this is the perfect example that when you do the big things right, the flaws are easy to overlook.

That said, the Rand / Egwene / Perrin love triangle was one of the worst, cringiest moments the show has had yet. It is so unnecessary and forced, even folks who didn’t read the books would know this is something brand new.

The episode’s weaknesses don’t stick with me nearly as much as it’s strengths. Lan and Nynaeve’s arc takes a big step forward. Padan Fain continues to close in on the party.

But most importantly, we finally learn the identity of the Dragon Reborn. The scene is shot wonderfully, the acting is solid, and the revelation really hits home.

The episode ends on a cliffhanger that makes you wish that Episode 8 would just get here already. This is the feeling I had hoped for.

Rating: On a scale of teddy bear to grizzly bear, this was a majestic polar bear.

Garrett’s Review

TLDR: This episode FUCKS!

If you want to see a woman kill a bunch of men while in labor, this episode is for you! If you want to see a completely unnecessary and cringy love-triangle, this episode is also for you!

Rating: On a scale of something to something else, Garrett forgot to put a scale on this episode.

Fei’s Review

TLDR: It finally happened!

I’m going to keep this one short: I loved this episode. From the initial fight scene of the Aiel woman on the mountainside to Nynaeve and Lan finally getting it on, I was all about it. I also loved that we finally got to meet Min.

And of course the big reveal: we figure out who the Dragon is!

Rating: On a scale of ground beef to premium steak, this was Wagyu.