S1:E2 Reviews

Adam’s Review

TLDR: Don’t do that. Don’t give me hope.

Going into the second episode of TWOT, I had little hope. My heart hurt for the mistakes made in the first episode, and some of my favorite words like words “Perrin”, “Wife”, and “Accidental Murder” all had me triggering pretty hard.

Along came Rosamund Pike with a perfect monologue of the history of Manetheren to remind me that even an adaptation could give me cold chills if they just stuck close enough to the source material.

The characters finally had a chance to speak to each. Lan showed that his bond with Moiraine extended past bath time. Rand spoke above a whisper and Egwene scratched the surface of her power.

The episode wasn’t without its flaws, as an entire army disappeared after hunting the party like mad dogs, but overall, this actually felt like Wheel of Time.

Rating: On a scale of “You’re letting him kill Martha” to “I love you 3000”, this is absolutely “Don’t do that. Don’t give me hope.”

Garrett’s Review

TLDR: An episode as hot as Lan

The pacing slowed down dramatically for this episode while still having a lot of action. It was enough for us to catch our breath while still moving forward. And damn did it feel good – with Moraine’s story of Manetheren and Lan’s of Shadar Logoth, I’m fully bought into the show now.

Rating: On a scale of cold to fucks, this ep was a Lan

Fei’s Review

TLDR: Holy 180 Batman!

I take it all back – my pessimism, my doubt. This episode is what I thought a TWOT series would be. We get backstory, we get relationships, we get dream sequences. And OMG we get a song! I have to admit, my weakness is a man that can sing, and Barney Harris killed it. (Though he was not my choice for “Who’s Hot on TWOT” this week, he came very close.)

What is more, Morraine’s reveal of Manetheren history and the discussion of the Old Blood solidified this episode for me.

I was rather long-winded last time around, so I’ll try and keep this review shorter.

Rating: On a scale of worst to best Coke flavors, this is a solid Cherry Coke.